Have you read about the Ant Tribe? These collage graduates working in and around Beijing. The value of the yuan has a very big impact on these people and the way they live and their future. There was a study released about the impact of the wages and moving manufacturing inland. Some companies have already began to look in other areas for the cheap labor. They are saying 20 years max until it comes tumbling down. What is the cost of food doing in China now? The pollution that China puts into their rivers and the pollution they dump in the ocean off the coast will soon have effect on the fish and food from these areas too. Everybody loves to talk about the manufacturing money China is making to day and exports to all countries. Can you eat this? What does the US export? maybe a few potatoes. If the potable water is gone and the ocean is abused what is China going to do in the near future to feed the people and to have enough potable water? Many other countries can show the cost in cleaning up a mess after you make it, they can also show it is much cheaper not to do what China is doing and think you can clean it with the profit you make.